I Am Crystal Nicole: Soul Saturday + Fitness Challenge


Hello Hello My Friends!

Welcome to Week Two! Can you believe it...it was just May 1st a week ago. Happy #SoulSaturday. A day to gut check and be honest with ourselves. To thine ownself be true. I'm so super proud of guys, we made it this far! Also, time for our weekly check-in. Last week, I shared my goal of releasing 2lbs a week for the next 30-days and I happy to report I achieved it🌟

I'm getting in a groove with my work, life, balance. Focusing on FIT-ness and eating healthy. Figuring who I am and who I what to become. What works and what doesn't work. Building a new lifestyle. Back to those Daily Method Operations (DMOs) we talked about. There is no right or wrong, only what is right for you.

And I hope that you have been doing the same and the S.M.A.R.T. goal you wrote last week you achieved too. And if not, we are all in this together and keep forging forward. I'm here for you.

Today to celebrate, Soul Saturday I want to focus on my "Happy Place". I decided today, I will start building out "my" outdoor space, the spot I go to meditate and get creative, a place I can call my own. That is your challenge today too. Is there a spot, inside or outside you can recreate to make your "happy place"? I got this idea about making space from Sara Blakely.

Who is Sara Blakely? She is the Spanx Queen. In a class of her own, she turned the shapewear industry on its head - like Uber did to the taxi industry. Spanx, is a woman's wonder undergarment, the one you need to hold everything in place, ladies you know what I mean;) Sara was inspired by her love, hate for white pants. It's always a challenge to find the right undergarment to pull off this look. I'm so grateful she answered the call -  these control-top, magic pants have helped me out on many occasions. 

One thing I love most about Sara is her story and her WHY (another topic we talked about last week). She like most of us was searching for her purpose after not passing the LSAT not only once but twice. After defaulting to a life of selling FAX machines (for 7 years) she realized this is not the life she desired and summoned the universe (yes! this works) and got her reply! One day, she was inspired to cut the feet out of her pantyhose to wear white pants. And the rest is history. I appreciate her advice on making space for creativity. Whether it's a fake commute (defined as driving aimlessly with no destination), a tree in your backyard, a solo vacation or a reimagined balcony. Make it your space to dream, once you enter this sacred space you know what time it is - can you say DAYDREAM.

As always, my final thoughts, a word of wisdom, a bit of inspiration and motivation for your evening journal prompt. There is a reason, the saying goes "Trust Your Gut". Because its your Inner Being, your Inner BFF speaking to you. And in time, you will start to trust it. Back to the beginning, remember the part...to thine own self be true. Honesty is truly the best policy. Is there any area in your life you want to be more honest about? Now is the time. I found that if I take one step each day in the right direction (big or small), I will get to my promised land. Progress, that is what inspires us and keeps us going. And when you forget, I will be here to remind you, how Ah-mazing with a capital A you are!

Until tomorrow, my friends. #Day8 #BlogBoost. 




  1. Hey Crystal, congratulations on sticking to your schedule and losing 2 pounds. I'm so happy for you. Getting into a rhythm and routine is so very essential in helping us reach our goals. Thanks for keeping us motivated.


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